At the core of this work is practicing presence in our bodies, hearts and heads.

”Always remember that it is your birthright and natural state to be wise and noble, loving and generous, to esteem yourself and others, to be creative and constantly renewing yourself, to be engaged in the world in awe and in depth, to have courage and to rely on yourself, to be joyous and effortlessly accomplished, to be strong and effective, to enjoy peace of mind and to be present to the unfolding mystery of your life.” Riso/Hudson

Freya Kennedy is a Transformationalist and Enneagram Executive Coach, who helps individuals, couples, and professional teams looking to deepen and expand their unique potential by understanding their internal motivations and learning how to expand into a more dynamic self. She is certified as an Integrative9 Practitioner, The Enneagram in Conscious Living with Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb, Enneagram and Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Anti-Racism with Dr. Deborah Egerton, and trained in The Somatic Enneagram with Marion Gilbert.

Before deciding to start her own business, Freya has been caring for people, creating beauty, and encouraging personal growth in a variety of ways. She has nannied, facilitated yearly art markets, hosted monthly discussions on thoughtful living, and worked several jobs with an emphasis on guest experience and hospitality.

Freya enjoys time with her husband, two sons, and dog. She loves hearing people’s stories, dancing, smiling, eating amazing food, and paddle boarding on Lake Crescent. 

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